Welcome to Auto Medic 7110898 Can. Inc. general mechanic auto repair shops
Bienvenue a Auto Medic 7110898 Canada Inc.
Welcome to Auto Medic 7110898 Can. Inc. general mechanic auto repair shops
Bienvenue a Auto Medic 7110898 Canada Inc.
Bienvenue a Auto Medic 7110898 Canada Inc.
Bienvenue a Auto Medic 7110898 Canada Inc.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.On aime nos clients,visiter nous durant les heures d'affaires
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Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 6pm
Lundi - Vendredi: 8:30am - 6pm
Saturday-Sunday / Samedi-Dimanche: Closed/Ferme
General mechanics,brakes,suspension,electrical,fuel injection,tires, air conditioning,engine repair,rustproofing,wheel alignment..... Mécanique générale,freins,suspension,électricité,injection,pneus antirouille. Alignment des roues....
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New!! Wheel alignment machine! Nouveau Alignement de roues !
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At Auto Medic we offer all services related to your automobile from general mechanics to computer diagnostics and updates including reprogramming.
Salle d'attente avec télévision satellite pendant que vous attendez et café gratuit à volonté. Waiting room with satellite tv while you wait and free coffee.
Quality and professional prompt service at best possible prices, we service all types of vehicle. Very well equipped shop and modern equipment. Electrical repairs,air conditioning, fuel Injection, general maintenance and repairs on all types of vehicles
The Home Bulletin, April 18, 2018 www.hbdirectory.ca
Ville Lasalle garage provides professional knowledge with honest concern for clients
Nick Tomarelli of Auto Medic Lasalle applies the same care and attention to your car as he would to his own.
As far as Nick Tomarelli can remember he loved fixing things. He had a natural aptitude to understand the workings of various items around the house and how to repair them. From a very young age, he was the “Mister Fix-it” of the family. Nick’s father, Antonio, was a stickler for doing things right and he instilled this attitude into Nick. “If you do something, do it properly” was a mantra Nick has applied his whole life.
As Nick grew into his teens, he became the “go-to” guy for his friends when they needed something fixed. With these friends he became interested in cars and they would build go-karts as a hobby. At the age of thirteen he and his friends bought an old Volkswagen “super Beetle” which they converted into a fully operating dune buggy that he and his friends actually drove off-road.
When Nick started high school he entered into the 3-year auto mechanics program. He followed this up with one year mechanics training in trade school. Upon graduation he worked in local garages to gain more experience. This led to employment as a mechanic in car dealerships – such as Snyder Chevrolet Olds in Lachine and Formula Honda in Lasalle.
In 1993, Nick opened his own auto repair shop in Lachine under the name Auto Medic. As his business grew over the years, he was obliged to move to larger location to meet the needs of his clients. The last move was to his present shop at 7900 Elmslie in Lasalle. His loyal clientele follows him wherever he goes.
Customers appreciate his genuine concern for their cars, his fairness in pricing jobs and his knowledge of mechanics. They recognize his
sincerity and insist on bringing all their work to him. “When I work on a customer’s car I want to give the best possible service” Nick explains, “I treat their vehicle like my own. I read a lot to keep updated on the latest development in the auto industry.”
Client Flavius Mateus of Lasalle, who has known Nick for over 20 years, says “Nick is very honest and fair. His name is perfect. When he works he is like a doctor. I have recommended him to all my family and friends who all use him.”
Glen Walsh, also of Lasalle, says “I met Nick 12 years ago when I bought a van that needed some work. I was very pleased with the job he did. I give him all my work now. He is very committed and very honest and direct. I always recommend him.”
For more information call Nick Tomarelli at 514-364-6300 or visit his website at www.automediclasalle.ca
Nick Tomarelli serving a customer